Installing SciDataFlow

Quickstart Guide

The easiest way to install SciDataFlow on Unix-like operating systems (e.g. MacOS, Linux, etc.) is to use the easy install script. This script first detects if you have Rust on your system, and if not installs it. Then it will install SciDataFlow via Rust's incredible cargo system. To run the easy install script:

$ | bash

Then, test that the installation worked by running sdf --help in your terminal. If you'd like to validate the checksums for the script first, see Validating the Easy Install Checksums.

Manual Installation

Alternatively, you can do each step manually of the system. If you do not have Rust installed, you'll need to install it with Rustup. If you're using Linux, MacOS, or other Unix-like operating system, run the following in your terminal (for Windows or more details, see the Rust website):

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Once you have Rust installed on your system (e.g. if cargo --version works), you can install SciDataFlow in your terminal with:

$ cargo install scidataflow

Validating the Easy Install Checksums

If you are security-conscious, you can check the MD5 of SHA1 digests as below:

$ curl | md5

$ curl | sha256sum
0a654048b932a237cb93a9359900919188312867c3b7aeea23843272bc616a71  -