Adding/Removing Files and Getting File Status with sdf add, sdf rm, and sdf status

Adding files with sdf add

To add a file to the data_manifest.yml, we use sdf add:

$ sdf add data/population_sizes.tsv
Added 1 file.

This will add an entry into the files section in the data_manifest.yml with this file, including its MD5 hash.

Checking for file modifications with sdf status

To check if a file has changed, use sdf status. Let's look at the status of the file we just added with sdf add:

$ sdf status
Project data status:
0 files on local and remotes (1 file only local, 0 files only remote), 1 file total.

 population_sizes.tsv      current      3fba1fc3      2023-09-01 10:38AM (53 seconds ago)

Since this file has not been modified since its creation, its status is current.

Now, let's imagine a pipeline runs and changes this file:

$ bash tools/ # changes data
$ sdf status 
Project data status:
0 files on local and remotes (1 file only local, 0 files only remote), 1 file total.

 population_sizes.tsv      changed      3fba1fc3 → 8cb9d10b        2023-09-01 10:48AM (1 second ago)

Now, the status indicates that this file has been changed.

Adding a Modified Version of Data to the Data Manifest with sdf update

If these changes are good, we can tell the Data Manifest it should update its record of this version:

$ sdf update data/population_sizes.tsv
$ sdf status
Project data status:
0 files on local and remotes (1 file only local, 0 files only remote), 1 file total.

 population_sizes.tsv      current      8cb9d10b      2023-09-01 10:48AM (6 minutes ago)

Removing a File from the Manifest with sdf rm

One can remove a data file entry from the Data Manifest with sdf rm. Note that this does not remove the file; you can do this separately with the Unix rm command.

$ sdf rm data/population_sizes.tsv

Moving a File with sdf mv

Much like the Git subcommand git mv, sdf has sdf mv subcommand that can be used to move a file's location in the manifest and on the file system:

$ sdf mv data/population_sizes.tsv old_data/population_sizes.tsv