Initializing a Project with sdf init and sdf metadata

To initialize SciDataFlow for a project you'd use:

$ sdf init

This creates an empty data_manifest.yml file (much like Git creates the .git/ directory):

$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--@ 1 vsb  staff  66 Nov 15 15:20 data_manifest.yml

$ cat data_manifest.yml
files: []
remotes: {}
  title: null
  description: null

This empty data_manifest.yml file will be edited by the various sdf subcommands.

Setting Project Metadata

Projects can also have store metadata, such as a title and description. This is kept in the Data Manifest. You can set this manually with:

$ sdf metadata --title "genomics_analysis" --description "A re-analysis of Joan's data."